
In celebration of International Women's Day (8.03), we introduce the Agaris substrate ladies, complementing our previously launched campaign image for the professional market: the substrate men. Just like the substrate men, the ladies symbolize Agaris' expertise in creating tailor-made substrates for various crops. The difference? While the men represent the more traditional peat and peat-reduced substrates, the ladies embody innovative, sustainable alternatives without peat.
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Agaris considers sustainability as very important. That is why, together with our Innovation Department, we search daily for renewable and local raw materials with which we can reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible.
Horti-BlueC is an inter-regional research project studying how commercial strawberry and tomato cultivation can be made more sustainable by, for example, using local, circular and renewable raw materials in the substrates. Agaris is, as the only substrate producer, one of the 9 International partners involved in the project.