It's a match: Agaris' substrate ladies!

In celebration of International Women's Day, we introduce the Agaris substrate ladies, complementing our previously launched campaign image for the professional market: the substrate men. Just like the substrate men, the ladies symbolize Agaris' expertise in creating tailor-made substrates for various crops. The difference? While the men represent the more traditional peat and peat-reduced substrates, the ladies embody innovative, sustainable alternatives without peat.

It's a match!

The substrate ladies are the perfect match for growers opting for a peat-free future. While the men stand for the strength and continuity of peat-containing substrates, the ladies with their peat-free alternatives represent innovation and sustainability, without compromising on performance. Whether you're looking for the ideal combination of both or prefer a strong, independent peat-free solution—at Agaris, we produce the perfect custom match for your crops.

Chemistry guaranteed

Thanks to their carefully formulated blends and precisely controlled properties, our substrate ladies ensure optimal collaboration between cultivation and substrate. Their custom-made dresses symbolize the precision with which we tailor each substrate to the specific needs of our clients.

Looking for a sustainable relationship?

Swipe right, get in touch, and we’ll be happy to listen to your needs and desires to provide you with the best substrate for your crop(s).

Together we grow!
